The Department of Home Affairs provided some further clarification around new visa policy measures to support the recovery of Australia’s international education sector.

Refer to information below:

·The Government will recommence granting student visas in all locations lodged outside Australia. This means when borders re-open, students will already have visas and be able to make arrangements to travel.

·Free-of-charge visa application: International students will be able to lodge a further student visa application free of charge if they are unable to complete their studies within their original visa validity due to COVID-19.

This is only applicable for student who has received reference letter from your Education Institution that confirming student to apply for another student visa because the student is unable to complete the study within the original visa validity due to COVID-19.

Example: Student applied for student visa and enrolled to Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery and Diploma of Hospitality. (Study period: 1 June 2017 – 1 Aug 2020). Because of the COVID-19, this student couldn’t complete his work placement. Then the student is required to study for another 6 months (until 10 Feb 2021) to complete all the course.

The college will issue the letter confirmation that this student is required to study for another 6 months until 10 Feb 2021 to complete his work placement so he can complete his courses.

In this scenario, when student apply for the student visa for the duration 6 months, the visa application charge is nil.


·Eligibility requirements for a post-study work visa (Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) will be relaxed for applicants who are enrolled with an Australian education provider and have been impacted by COVID-19 and associated travel restrictions. Under these arrangements:

o Existing and new student visa holders who undertake online study outside Australia because of COVID 19 will be able to count this towards the Australian Study Requirement.

o Eligible graduates affected by travel restrictions will also be able to apply for and be granted a Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa outside Australia.

NOTE: post-study work visa (Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485), The Post-study Work stream of the subclass 485 visa is for international students with eligible qualifications, regardless of their field of study. The qualification that you have completed must be an eligible degree. This means a:

  • bachelor degree

  • bachelor (honours) degree

  • masters by coursework degree

  • masters (extended) degree

  • masters by research degree

  • doctoral degree

If you have studied a standalone diploma or trade qualification, you are not eligible to be granted a visa in this stream.

· Additional time will be given for applicants to provide English language results where COVID-19 has disrupted access to these services. Additional time will also be provided to undertake biometric collection and health checks where COVID-19 has disrupted access to services

If you would like to watch the Q&A session with Department of Home Affairs, feel free to visit the webinar with link below:


Ini adalah update untuk mengklarifikasi information terbaru mengenai murid-murid international dari Department of Home Affairs di bulan Juli 2020.

Pengumuman ini ada 5 points informasi seperti dibawah ini:

·Pemerintah akan memulai pengurusan International student visa application dimana yang sudah diajukan diluar Australia (Offshore Application). Ini berarti jika Border dibuka, murid akan mempunyai visa dan bisa datang ke Australia.

·Biaya Visa: Free of Charge (Gratis) untuk International Student. Ini hanya berlaku kepada international student yang tidak bisa menyelesaikan sekolah mereka didurasi original visa yang dipunya dikarenakan COVID-19

Ini hanya berlaku kepada student yg telah menerima surat referensi dari sekolah yg mengkonfirmasi bahwa murid perlu mengajukan visa baru, dikarenakan murid tidak bisa menyelesaikan course-nya karena COVID-19.

Contoh: di tahun 2017, murid daftar dan mengajukan student visa untuk Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery and Diploma of Hospitality dengan durasi 1 June 2017 s/d 1 Aug 2020.

Dikarenakan COVID-19, murid tidak bisa menyelesaikan working placement. Sekolah memberikan surat pengantar bahwa student membutuhkan 6 bulan untuk menyelesaikan courses. Sehingga murid harus mengajukan student visa lagi untuk durasi 6 bulan. Visa kali ini tidak dikenakan biaya visa.

Bisa di review di aturan dari permintah Australia di link ini


·Persyaratan untuk “Post Study Work Visa (Temporary Graduate Visa (Subclass 485) akan di permudah untuk pemohon yang telah daftar ke sekolah di Australia dan karena COVID-19, tidak bisa datang ke Australia. Informasinya adalah:

o Murid yang  telah memegang student visa ataupun student baru yang mendapatkan student visa, murid-murid ini sudah mulai belajar dari luar Australia karena COVID-19. Masa belajar diluar Australia akan tetap dihitung ke “Australian Study Requirement”

o Murid yg telah selesai sekolah dan memenuhi syarat lain “Post Study Work Visa (Temporary Graduate Visa (Subclass 485)” dapat mengajukan Temporary Gradute visa dari luar Australia

Catatan: post-study work visa (Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) adalah salah satu stream untuk Subclass 485 dimana international student yg bisa memenuhi syarat untuk pengajuan visa ini, jika murid telah menyelesaikan “eligibile qualification”.

Eligible Qualification-nya adalah:

  • bachelor degree

  • bachelor (honours) degree

  • masters by coursework degree

  • masters (extended) degree

  • masters by research degree

  • doctoral degree

Jika kamu telah menyelesaikan Diploma ataupun trade qualification, kamu tidak akan memenuhi syarat visa di stream ini.

·Tambahan waktu akan diberikan kepada para pemohon visa yang memerlukan pelampiran “English Language Result”. Tambahan waktu ini hanya berlaku jika pemohon tidak bisa melakukan test dikarenakan COVID-19 telah menganggu pengaksesan service ini.

Tambahan waktu juga akan diberikan kepada pemohon yg harus melakukan Biometic ataupun Test Kesehatan, dimana COVID-19 telah mengganggu pengaksesan service ini.

Jika kamu perlu mengetahui lebih lanjut, kamu bisa menonton Q&A session dengan pemerintah Immigrasi Australia dengan link ini: